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Steel Constructions for an Automated Warehouse

Steel Construction for an Automated Warehouse 5

Warehouses have come a long way since the original concept of storage and nothing else. Nowadays not all warehouses need people to work in the first place – automated warehouses already exist, and Levstal did a project for one such warehouse in Estonia. While Levstal has a lot of capabilities and experience when it comes to creating large and complex structures and objects, this time our job was to create a set of beams and trusses, and nothing else.

The construction industry as a whole has a lot of elements that can be perceived as simple, but are extremely important in a lot of places. As such, beams and trusses are often used as the load-bearing structural elements, so that the building in question can stand on its own in the first place. The overall weight of the project’s results was 22 tonnes, and both beams and trusses were manufactured using carbon steel as the main material.

Carbon Steel
Total weight

Steel Construction for an Automated Warehouse 2

Steel Construction for an Automated Warehouse 3

Steel Construction for an Automated Warehouse 5

Steel Construction for an Automated Warehouse

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