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Equipment for the reformer furnace

Equipment for the reformer furnace

Reformer furnace is one of many examples of extremely specific equipment used in a singular industry – the energy industry, in this context. This particular project was created for a client in Germany, and it is the first part of the three-part project for this specific client. The material that was used for this piece of equipment is carbon steel and the overall weight of the object is 25 tonnes.

The entire object has a lot of very specific details and parts to it that would be hard to perform if it wasn’t for the industry-grade metal fabrication equipment that Levstal has. Additionally, the entire project could be assembled within the facility itself, making it far easier to transport when it was ready. However, the result of this project did have to have a special set of supporting objects to make the transportation that much more safe and secure.

Carbon steel
Total weight
25 t
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