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Air Ducts

Air Duct

Levstal’s portfolio is a great proof of its popularity in many different countries. This particular project is a great example of that – a set of air ducts for the energy industry that was produced and shipped to the client in the USA, Alaska. As with many industries, the energy industry has a number of custom equipment parts that have to be up to certain standards for the necessary processes to be able to proceed as usual.

Luckily enough, Levstal is more than capable of doing these kinds of tasks, creating air ducts with a total length of 1200 meters and a diameter of 800 mm. The overall weight of the project is 500 tonnes, and the details were produced using carbon steel. There were multiple different operations involved in this project, including blanking, assembly, welding and NDT control. The project itself was performed according to the specifications provided by the client in a drawing, and both painting and shipping were also performed by Levstal.

Carbon steel
Total weight
USA, Alaska
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